by Rev. Robert J. Murphy, C.S.P., 1948
All that the Lady (of Fatima) predicted has come true. Her dark foreboding about
Russia has been more than justified. The remainder, too, will come true. Russia will
be converted. There will be peace. When "they listen." When they stop offending God.
When Christians live as Christians, and not as half-pagans. When there is a great
surge of devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. When there is the daily Rosary
in Christian homes. When, like God and God's Mother, they become serious about
the countless souls whose sins are hastening them to hell, and draw them back by the
Christian charities of prayer and sacrifice. Particularly, says Lucy, now a Carmelite nun,
by those sacrifices which are connected with duty.
Does this seem like very much? Is this an inflation price for peace on earth and peace of mind? If it does seem much, we have not sufficiently imagined the price of another war. Nor have we counted the blessings that a converted Russia could bring to the world.--Page 16 - 17
Does this seem like very much? Is this an inflation price for peace on earth and peace of mind? If it does seem much, we have not sufficiently imagined the price of another war. Nor have we counted the blessings that a converted Russia could bring to the world.--Page 16 - 17
Prayer to Our Lady of Fatima
for the Conversion of Russia
O Immaculate Mary, Queen of all nations, our fears grow less and our spirits rise because of your calm assurance of protection. How could we have known that the menace of atheism and the threat of godless Communism would be averted? Your promise of conversion for the harassed victims of this tyranny gives hope and joy and confident relief to all the nations of the world.
Our hearts go out to the homeless waifs, the persecuted people that the Communist terror raised up in that war-weary land. Grant that the gratitude we feel may be expressed in worthy deeds, not empty words. We fail our part, by your own words, unless we spread in every place devotion to your Immaculate Heart in sincere, active reparation. O Mary, Mother of the Prince of Peace, we promise with our prayers at least, to play our part. Amen.
Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima, may the reign of Christ reach out to all nations of the world.
Download the book, "Fatima: Peace on Earth; Our hearts go out to the homeless waifs, the persecuted people that the Communist terror raised up in that war-weary land. Grant that the gratitude we feel may be expressed in worthy deeds, not empty words. We fail our part, by your own words, unless we spread in every place devotion to your Immaculate Heart in sincere, active reparation. O Mary, Mother of the Prince of Peace, we promise with our prayers at least, to play our part. Amen.
Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima, may the reign of Christ reach out to all nations of the world.
A Catholic Russia; Peace of Mind"